Friday, November 26, 2010

Decorating for Christmas!!

The holiday season has BEGUN!

Christmas is my favorite holiday ever. Yeah, part of that is the presents (I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t), but really, my favorite parts of the holiday season are four fold: movies, music, decorations, and food. That’s right. And, at my house, all four can be found in abundance.

For us, the holiday season officially gets kicked off on Thanksgiving. If I’m home on Thanksgiving, I make Dad drag out the tree and I set it up in the piano room. The one in the piano room gets all the Radco ornaments and the one in the living room is the “ribbons-birds-and-fruit” tree. Then there’s the pink tree on the entry way table, the goose-feather (or something) tree with more Radco in the hall, the small gold wire tree in the living room, the specialty Radco tree, the assorted trees in the downstairs bathroom, and maybe a family ornament tree upstairs in the bonus room.

That’s just the trees.

Then there’s the garland on the banister and over the doorways downstairs, porch lights, the herd of Christmas light deer on the front lawn, the giant nutcrackers by the front door, and my (and some Jesi’s and the parents’) nutcracker collection that goes all the way down both sides of the stairs. I also have a collection of toll painted Santa’s that my Grandma Kullberg made me.

I wish I had pictures of all this to show you. But, Dad posted a video on Youtube of the outside lights last year, so here’s a quick taste.

They favor the white icicle lights. Personally, I like the “make the house look like a gum drop covered gingerbread house.” In college, I always had a little tree with lights and ornaments of some kind. We’d decorate our apartment with snowflakes and ribbon, maybe even stockings. It was kind of pathetic, but I still got my Christmas fix when I went home for break. And last year I got to decorate the entire BYU bookstore, including designing and setting up a Christmas present train with a penguin snowball fight in one of the display windows with Natalie. It was AWESOME, if I do say so myself.

Well, this year, I won’t be going home for Christmas. Sad day! So, I need to make up for this by decorating the HECK out of my baby apartment. So far I’ve got a little tree and paper chain garland along my banister.

Happy holidays, everyone!


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