Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Music

During my week of silence, I watched a lot of Christmas movies and listened to A LOT of Christmas music. It is my personal tradition that the playing of Christmas music begin on Thanksgiving. And then I usually listen to it nonstop until at least Christmas day. I will often turn it on in the middle of the Summer just for kicks (ask my mom... I totally did this Summer after sorting all her Christmas scrap booking paper).

So, just like my list of movies, I decided to share 25 of my favorite songs for the holiday season. I tried putting them in order of how much I love them, but I realized that I love them all for different reasons. :)

And here they are!

1. Glory to God (Handel's Messiah)

2. Grown Up Christmas List (Michael Buble)

3. Thankful (Josh Groban)

4. Percy the Puny Poinsettia (Elmo and Patsy)

5. Twelve Days of Christmas (Vocal Point, a BYU acapella group)
This song is hilarious. My favorite part is when they sing "Rise and shout the Cougars are out!"

6. We Need a Little Christmas (Glee cast)

7. Where are you, Christmas? (Faith Hall)

8. The First Noel (David Archuleta)

9. I'll be home for Christmas (Bing Crosby)

10. Baby it's Cold Outside (Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone)

11. Dream a Dream (Charlotte Church)

12. White Christmas (Bing Crosby)

13. Christmas Don't be Late (Alvin and the Chipmunks

14. The Nutcracker Suite, especially the Russian Dance (Tchaikovsky)

15. We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Weezer)

16. All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)

17. You're a Mean one, Mr. Grinch (Thurl Ravenscroft... or Jane Lynch)

18. What's this?! (Nightmare Before Christmas)

19. Feliz Navidad (I don't know...)

20. What is Christmas? (Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Lost Christmas Eve)

21. December Will be Magical (Kate Bush)
This lady is hilarious. The music video with her crazy eyes totally makes the song worth it. I always think of my old roommate Gena when I see Kate Bush.

22. Silent Night (Sarah MacLachlan)

23. Christmas Wrapping (Spice Girls)

24. Spirit of the Season (Polar Express soundtrack)

25. Santa Baby (Eartha Kitt)
Must be Eartha Kitt. She is so awesome. Go Cat Woman!

1 comment:

  1. Vocal point's twelve days of Christmas: best FHE music video EVER.
