The first thing we did was go to Dr. Fish! YEAH!! Now, I'm usually very good about remembering my camera... but both Dad and I forgot our cameras!! D: We are horrible people. We did stop at every convenience store on the way to try and find a disposable camera which we finally found, but I don't know when/if ever those pictures will make it to this blog. Oh well.
Anyways. Dad had fun and we plan to go back with Jesi in July. HECK YES! We'll remember to take our cameras then. And I will get video of us all together. :)
We got up on Sunday and headed out towards Insadong to see the Jongmyo Shrine. It was pretty! We had to take the English tour since they don't just let people walk around there (except on Saturday...). Our guide at the shrine was much better than the guide Kendra and I had at the museum on Friday.
I also answered one of her questions right and she was very impressed. She asked what the little stone things looked like and people said things like sheep, but I got it right with CLOUDS.
Yeah... I didn't tell her it looked like the little cloud things I've seen on anime...
We got to take a look down this big long hallway where they have the big ancestor ceremony in May. We weren't allowed to walk there, but we could climb up on the steps and peek in. It was really cool.
Dad, of course, was super serious about all this.
Pretty picture of one of the gates...
After the shrine, we headed to Myung Dong for some of my favorite chicken bulgogi. On the way we found a chicken for Mom!!
And SNOOPY! Ah... hi, Snoopy! :)
Once we were filled with lots of chicken and vegetables, we went to Namdaemun. It was a little crowded, but nothing like how I've seen it before. Still, there were a lot of people.
And they were cooking those stinky bug things. Ugh. I HATE the smell of these things. Yuck! They smell like someone is steaming sweat socks. Yuck!
We were getting tired (tired, tired, tired) so we decided to skip the museum and head home to see a movie. There wasn't really anything playing at the theater that looked good besides the King's Speech so we went to a DVD room to watch a movie. I was going to try and get Dad to see Ahjushi (the movie that's like Taken but way more violent), but we ended up seeing Legion. That was a freaky movie. Just... freaky.
I love DVD rooms. They are really nice. About the same price as a theater (a little less) but you get your own room and you don't have to worry about bothering people if you want to talk. Plus: AWESOMELY HUGE SEATING!!
Then it was bed time. SLEEP.
The next morning we headed to Namdaemun again for a while before I had to go to work. Work was tough that day because I wanted to be out exploring with my daddy.
While I was at work, Dad went and walked around my neighborhood. I think he walked around E-Mart and just up and down the roads. Here are some of the pictures he took on his little adventure that day.
Lunch: he totally got kimbob! I LOVE kimbop!
We skyped with Mom that day, too. I love skype. P.S. Let me know if you want to skype me! I'll let you know my skype address.
And ANOTHER chicken for Mom! This time from the chicken restaurant by my apartment. I'm not that partial to fried chicken, so I've never gone here before. I've heard it's good, though.
I want to go to this place sometime. They sell steamed buns. But I don't know what's in them or how to order them. Go inside? Yell at the guy outside? I don't know. Sometime soon. That's one thing I'm a weeny on: ordering food. :/
Dad met me after work on the corner and we went and got some of the pizza I always talk about. Dad agrees: Korean pizza rocks. We got Hot Chicken and Sweet Potato. Pizza and Iron Man 2 made for an awesome Daddy daughter night.
Dad left early Tuesday morning which was sad, but it was still a really fun visit. Plus, I get to see Dad AND Jesi in July when we go to Vietnam! Yay!
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