Sunday, June 5, 2011

Things I like about my job

I got my first job when I was 16, the summer after my sophomore year of high school. In total, I have had seven jobs since then: Peddler's Pack (a local rubber stamp store), Michal's Arts and Crafts, Cosmoprof: professional beauty supply, BYU Catering (for 2 months... horrible), a janitor for a semester, window display designer for the BYU Bookstore (BEST. JOB. EVER!), and, now, a teacher for Chungdahm Institute (or CDI).

As with any job, there are good things and bad things about the job I have now. In this post, I'd like to focus on the things I like about the job.

  • Pre-departure help: CDI was very helpful in getting us prepared for our trip to Korea. We had help getting tickets, visas, etc. It made getting ready for the move that much easier.
  • Training: I have mixed feeling about their training policies, but I do like that we had a week to settle in and acquaint ourselves with the curriculum (well, it ended up we had two weeks) before we teach.
  • The pay: Per hour, I get paid a pretty decent amount. I've heard that this is one of the higher paying hagwons in Korea. I'm pretty happy when I get my paycheck each month. :)
  • The workbook: I have mixed feelings about how we use the workbook, but for the most part I love that we use one. It's good for the students because they know exactly what they will be expected to accomplish and they can study accordingly. I also like it because, well, it makes MY job ten times easier! All I have to do is prepare the answers in the text book and think of some supplementary material to go along with it.
  • Same schedule every week: This is something that, when you get a normal job, you come to expect. However, I've worked enough retail where the schedule changes every week that a consistent schedule is a blessing.
  • Half days: I had to cut back my hours because of my voice and, as such, there are several days a week where I only work 3 hours instead of six. This is rather nice because I can rest my voice more and it makes the day go by faster.
  • The people: We have some very cool people at our branch. I can't believe that some have been here as long as they have. It's great to hear their stories about some of the students. Another thing I love about teachers in general is that they are usually more than willing to give advice and help.
  • Students: Some of those kids are seriously adorable. There's a group of girls who come and find me and tell me how they are doing now that they are no longer in my class. They are an awesome group of kids.
All in all, my job is pretty good. Of course, there are some things I dislike about by hagwon. But I'll save that for another post. :)


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