Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dear, Blog... why are you so boring?

So, I've been looking at my posts from the past few weeks thinking, "When did living in Korea become so boring?" Sorry, folks. It looks like I'm just a boring person. My schedule is totally messed right now. I have Tuesdays and Sundays off (yuck) so my desire to spend my days off running around Seoul instead of doing errands is becoming greatly diminished.

HOWEVER! There is hope!

Middle school exams are coming up which means I might actually get one or two Saturdays off! Why is having Saturday off so very important? Well, that's the day all my friends can go do things. This weekend, Tara and I are thinking of going to the zoo. THE ZOO! I <3 the zoo!

There is also my trip to Vietnam to look forward to in a few weeks. As well as the week with my baby sister, Jesi!! YAY!! :D

Really. I haven't done anything that exciting or picture worthy these last few weeks and I feel kind of bad for not posting any adventures in a while. Since I have no new pictures for you, I suppose I will post these old pictures of my baby sister from her 16th birthday (for which I made a rainbow fail cake).

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Obviously, she very much enjoyed it.


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