Dad couldn't check into his flight until after ours had left so we said goodbye and headed into the airport proper to wait for our flight.
The flight back to Seoul was great because we had our own TV's with free on demand movies.
We got back late that night so we did some quick grocery shopping, watched some Doctor Who, and crashed for the night.
The next day we woke up and went to go see my friend Tara who was leaving for home that afternoon. She gave me a few things (leftover food, towel, blanket) and we hugged goodbye. We plan on meeting up at Disneyland this October so it's only goodbye for a little while. :)
After saying goodbye to Tara, Jesi and I hopped on the subway for Namdaemun and Myung Dong. I'm afraid Jesi has been spoiled by this trip and Namdaemun didn't phase her at all. She just patiently plodded along the paths in the market while I tried to point out some of the cool things. She said everything looked the same. She took no pictures there.
She said she had fun, but it was kind of a bust.
Then we were getting hungry to so went over to Myung Dong to find Holika Holika (makeup!) and then chicken lunch.
Before we found that, we saw the Baviphat store. What caught our eye was their lovely spokesman: Lee Hongki!! He is my favorite K-pop idol (and the only one Jesi knows) so we hopped in.
We also came across a Holika Holika store. This is one of my favorites because the stuff is cheap, good quality, and every time I've gone, the sales people ATTACK you with service! I had one lady literally putting makeup on me without even asking. Just, "This color make you beautiful!" and reaching out to brush it on my face. OKAY. So I was excited to take Jesi.
Unfortunately, we came at a busy time, so the salespeople were swamped with teenage girls and we got kind of lost. I did end up getting Jesi's birthday present there: makeup, of course. :)
Then we got lost. Okay, I got lost. WHAT THE HECK!! I don't even know what happened. It looked like the right way at the beginning, but I must have missed a turn or something. I don't even know. In the end, we found a chicken place and ate delicious chicken bulgogi. I was still feeling kind of sick so I didn't eat much. And Jesi eats like... an animal that doesn't eat much so we had lots of leftovers.
She did like it, though, and asked if we could make it at home. Psh. EASY. It's stir fry with marinaded chicken. I'll just need to refine my bulgogi marinade.
After that, we saw that it was raining. We, of course, had forgotten our umbrellas, so we were keeping to the awnings of the stores. About a block from the subway entrance, it started pouring and were slipping and sliding in our flip flops across the sidewalks trying to get to the subway entrance. Suddenly, these two ladies were running next to us, sharing their umbrellas. How nice! They didn't speak English, but we managed to thank them with profuse "Kamsahamnida"'s as we made our way into the subway.
We were only in the rain for, like, three minutes, and were were utterly SOAKED. My paper bag had even ripped. Luckily, we lost none of Jesi's or my makeups. Whew!
It was only about 5:30 when we got home, so we decided to head out again to see the last Harry Potter movie. We had a bunch of time to wait for the movie, so we hung out in the bookstore for a while. Jesi, having taken zip pictures on our adventures that day made up for it my taking random shots of us looking at books.
It was cute at first.
Then it started getting annoying.
Movie was awesome. Probably the best bit of acting I saw was when Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter... always amazing) was acting as Hermione acting as Bellatrix. Just, wow. She pulled it off amazingly. But that has nothing to do with Jesi's visit so I'll leave it at that.
That night, we discovered Jesi's back was starting to peel. She had gotten burned on her dive and then burned again on our Sunday adventure. She was sad because she had wanted to try on clothes in Myung Dong but 1) her back huuuurrrrttt and 2) it started pouring on our poor selves. Look at her poor red back!
Wednesday came and I finally had to return to work (sigh). Sad day. Jesi stayed home while I was at work. We had plans to go to Gangnam for fishy pedicures, but, alas, it was not to be. While I was at work, I mentioned our plans and someone said that it might not work. Apparently the monsoon (typhoon? I don't know) had hit other parts of Seoul pretty bad and Gangnam was a little floody at the moment. It was still raining at that point and there was a chance that the subway might close down. Joys.
So, instead, we decided to go to a DVD bang. We bought pizza and wrapped it up to take in our purses.
I've talked about DVD bangs on here before. The word "bang" (pronounced "bahng") means "room." So, jimjilBANG is a spa room, noraeBANG is a singing room, PC BANG is a computer room, etc. It's about as expensive as a regular movie, but you get to choose from all of their DVD's and you get your own little theater. It's awesome. I love it so much. We saw "My Life in Ruins." Adorable chick flick. :)
These are what the seats look like.
Jesi enjoying her Korean style pizza. Delicious.
Thursday was a day off for me and we had had plans to go to Suwon and the traditional Korean village. Unfortunately, the rain was still coming strong in many parts of Seoul, though where we were at it was beautiful. Joy. Mom called concerned about the flooding (it as a lot worse south of Seoul and it had even made it to the news in the U.S.) and we promised to stay in the local area and keep away from the river. *sigh* No fair.
This left us with little options. We ended up deciding to go to see Captain America (or First Avenger as it is called here). We had a healthful lunch of frozen yogurt (I had frozen yogurt and ice with fruit... yum!) before seeing a FREAKING AWESOME MOVIE!!!!
Then we went back to my apartment (can I really call it an apartment? It's more of a room with a closet that pretends to be a bathroom) and sat around watching movies online. Jesi complained that I had the air conditioning up too high and it was TOO COLD. I think it's because she had just eaten half a gallon of frozen strawberries. Just saying.
For dinner, Jesi had kimbop. It's more of a snack or lunch item (if eaten in great quantity) than a dinner and I had asked if she wanted anything else but she said, no, she was fine.
She inhaled it in about two minutes. One minute munching the next I look over and it's gone. That's when she attacked the poor defenseless frozen strawberries in my freezer.
Friday was kind of a bummer because I had a meeting at 2:30pm and work at 7pm so we couldn't go do anything far away. Instead, we had a late lunch/early dinner at the dumpling place in the mall, checked out Emart, and then she walked back to my apartment.
The dumpling restaurant is yummy. We had soup and buns.
On Saturday I didn't have work until 5:30 that night so we headed out for a second visit to Myung Dong. Jesi's sunburn was feeling better so we had tons of fun shopping in the giant Forever 21 and H&M. We also saw these awesome ad guys in front of one of the skin care places. Don't be fooled by their cutesy looks! I've seen these guys literally grab people's arms and drag them into the store! It's hilarious. They usually don't do that to the foreigners. Jesi did get caught by one lady for a minute there, though. It was funny.
Among other things, Jesi bought this adorable little nerdy owl. How cute is that?
You might remember the toast pillow from one of my previous posts. I had given up on ever finding a toast pillow when, SUDDENLY!! In Artbox in Myung Dong I found one! I debated whether or not I should buy it (since I HAD gotten a pink pig-rabbit when we were in Vietnam) but then Jesi said she would get it for me as a present! Awww... so we got a chicky blanket, a chicky pillow (lots of chicky things for my Chicky), and a toast pillow for Jen!!
That night while I was at work, Jesi attacked my apartment with Snoopy and Woodstock cutouts. Awww... how sweet!
Dad rolled in around midnight that night and we got ready for their last day of touring in Korea.
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