These are some cute little egg molds I got for mom... and I had to try them out before I could send them to her, of course. In this picture they are cooling off in cold water.
This egg turned out the best: it's a BUNNY EGG!!! :D
Here they all are together: bear, bunny, and fish. The bear doesn't really look like a bear and the fish's mouth is giant, but the bunny turned out really cute. I don't even like eggs...
One of the girls in my middle school class made me some cookies!! They are sooo cute!
My favorite was the chicky one. :)
Since my elementary kids saw my drawings, presentation prep time has become craft time for some of the kids as they all try to outdo each other. This group was making a puppet show.
We saw these guys in the subway on our way to Myeoung Dong last weekend. It was pretty cool to hear Spanish again.
Here they are again, singing their little hearts out in the subway.
I got ear muffs with my box of sugar I mean cereal.
Oh my goodness, are those Oreo O's? That was my favorite cereal growing up! I'm so jealous!