Dad got here to my apartment about 6:30 Friday night. I met his taxi at the subway stop about a block away from my apartment because addresses here are wonky so you need to give them landmarks near where you want to go (strange right?). I helped him drag his suitcases to my place and he was amazed at how small my apartment was. I guess he didn't believe me when I talked about how small it was on my blog. He says the pictures make it look much bigger.
After a quick chat with Mom over Skype, we headed out to a barbecue where I treated him to a birthday dinner. He thought it was funny that you pay to cook your own meat. He also ate a good amount of kimchi so I was impressed. I have yet to develop a taste for it, though I'm still sticking to my guns of taking a big bite whenever I'm presented with any.
After the barbecue, we walked down to E-mart and got a few things for Mom and just to have something to do. Once we got back to the apartment, we watched "The Expendables." Great Daddy daughter movie.
Dad took random pictures of me brushing my teeth. Why? I have no idea.
And that's part 1 of my dad's visit. We did a lot of stuff on Saturday so I figured I'll break it up into three shorter posts rather than once really long post.
Next up: Saturday in Suwon! :)
Is that a window in the bathroom? How does that work when the bathroom is actually your shower with a toilet and sink in it?