Sunday, February 20, 2011

1000 Awesome Things

I was a little weepy yesterday (trying to figure out what the heck to do about my voice). But I HATE wallowing. I try to remain positive (not that I don't enjoy a good complaining session as much as the next gossipy girl) and wallowing is NOT a positive activity.

In an attempt to stay happy and peppy for this week, I looked up in my Google search bar "awesome things." I didn't really think anything would come of it, I was just messing around, really. But I ended up finding the coolest pick me up website EVER! Even better than Don't Shoot the Puppy.

Feeling down? Check out 1000 Awesome Things. It made my day.

Here are a few examples of things on their lists of awesome things:

-Locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away
-Kids who dress themselves
-Finding money you didn't even know you'd lost
-Real bearded Santas
-Strategic trick-or-treating
-Building a stack of pancakes that looks just like the front of the box.
-The first shower you take after not showering in a long time
-When little kids hit the age where they just say hi to everyone
-Terrible businesses run by children
-Wearing pajamas outside of the house

I love this site. It makes me happy right now. I'd like to add to that list:

The first good conversation you have after not being able to talk for a week. No pantomiming or scribbled notes needed. Nice.

I'm excited for that one. :)


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